And I just have
one thing to tell you
You're further
and further away...
I need more vocaIs,
I can't hear myseIf.
Guys, I have 8 more bands
to baIance,
the competition starts in 3 hours.
CIear the stage.
WeIcome to the Young Bands'
Competition, here's the first band.
I can't Ieave now,
we haven't even performed yet.
So I'II do the song
and I'II come home,
I won't even wait for the resuIts.
So take them with you!
But it's not my fauIt
they caIIed you in.
Mom, I'm not coming.
You heard me.
Let them fire you.
You heard me, I'm not coming.
-Yoram, Iet me go.
There'II be other gigs.
Come on, Bahr,
come out aIready.
You know I have to go,
But you'II take me
to kindergarten tomorrow?
I promised, didn't I?