Knafayim Shvurot

Maya, don't touch the bIinds.
Murderer. You just destroyed
milIions of pIanets,

there must be Iife
on one of them.

You destroyed
entire civilizations.

Take your bones and get Iost.
Life is here, Darwin,
on this pIanet.

Yair, get up!
Leave me aIone, Maya,
stop it! Fuck!

Get your frozen feet away
from me, I want to sIeep.

Answer one IittIe question
and I'm out of here.

There is no God,
there is no truth,

and there is no meaning to
your bony existence. -Great.

You IittIe shit, why do I
aIways have to do everything?

'Cause you're oIder.
I had a gig Iast night,
my first gig.

How was it?

I don't know,
I wasn't there.

Mom was caIIed to work,
you disappeared, as usuaI.

Remember we used
to read each other's thoughts?

You know what I'm
thinking right now?

I'm fuckin' sick of you,
Yair, totaIIy.

How couId I have wet my bed
if I pee Iike an eIephant?

You're the peeing champion,
you shouId be in the "OIympees".

CouId be worse, right?
-Yes, it couId be worse, reaIIy.

I'm not washing my hair.

And I'm not getting dressed tilI
Mommy comes.

You are too!
