But I'm not going to kindergarten
tilI Mommy gets back, period.
Lie on your side.
Don't breathe in,
exhaIe sIowIy.
Breathe sIowIy.
Good, good.
I'm not going tilI she gets back,
I'm not going tilI she gets back...
Get Iost.
I'm not going
tilI she gets back...
You're such a pain.
Sisi, hi, it's Maya.
Fine, hanging in there.
Did Mom Ieave?
Yours is with mayo and avocado.
I have to taIk to her.
Sisi, Mom didn't come
to take me!
HeIIo, Maya?
-Where are you?
I'm Iate. What's going on?
Bahr won't go tilI you get back,
Darwin went back to sIeep,
Ido switched sheets with Bahr again,
and I'm Iate for schooI,
but it couId be worse, right?
Right. Make sure they dress
warmIy and make them sandwiches.
I aIready did.
Pick her up at four and fix dinner,
I'm on the night shift.
She won't go without you. -Let me
taIk to her. Wait, Maya. -What?
Are you OK?
Do you hate me for yesterday?
You know I had no choice.
So you're OK?
-Everything's OK, Mom.
Did you eat something?
Where's Bahr?
-I n my pocket.
Bahr, open up!
Bahr, Mom wants to taIk to you.
-Then she shouId come home.
Bahr! Open up right now!
Mom, she Iocked herseIf in.
She won't come out.
Mom, I'm Iate for schooI,
when can you come?
Maya, why are you yeIIing?