Maya, what happened?
-Why are you doing this?
Doing what?
What do you want?
-Don't sound Iike Dad.
Make Bahr come out
and wait for me outside...
You won't make it. -I wilI,
and then I'm taking you to schooI.
I'm going to work.
But Yair, you promised me.
I tried, it didn't work.
-What do you mean, you tried?
SchooI onIy starts today.
Yair, I don't have time
to argue with you.
Let me taIk to Ido.
Ido! -Dafna, why isn't anyone
in number five? -Five?
I'II go to five, she's mine.
What do you want?
Are you OK, sweetie?
-I have a tummy ache.
You're just nervous,
it'II go away.
I toId you
he wouIdn't go back.
Ido, I promise
he'II go back to schooI today.
BahI, "sweetheaIt",
is that you out "theI"?
I'm Iocked inside
and can't get out.
I'm need heIp "despeIateIy".
I Iove you. Bye
Do you know why I caII you "BahI"?
Because I can't say "R".
I'm Iocked inside
and I'm "IeaIIy despeIate".
I'm so afraid.
So "veIy, veIy aflaid".
You said "afraid", with an R.
-Did not, did not.
Having fun out there?
Doesn't basketbaII
practice start today?
You said it, you said it!