you and your socks.
This conversation doesn't exist
and you don't exist,
so how can I be mad at you?
You're dead.
Why did you come here? -So my
mom wilI be abIe to get some sIeep.
However, those who disapprove
of the ecomomic system
see purpIe children floating
in the sky, picking baIIoons.
Maya and Gaga, good morning.
I see you're
stilI on vacation,
or perhaps you're having
deep thoughts on the subject.
Stand up and share
your thoughts with us.
Stand up.
Do you have to use the bathroom?
-My foot feII asIeep.
What do you have to say?
The free economy?
Fantastic. Anything eIse?
If after 20 years on the job
my mom can't afford a babysitter,
free economy isn't
reaIIy working, is it?
That's an exceIIent exampIe.
Listen carefuIIy to what
Maya is saying.
Her mother has been in the
same Iine of work for many years
and stilI hasn't
made it financiaIIy.
Maya, what sector does
your mom work in? -Sector?
My mom practices the
oIdest profession in the worId.
Maya... -She's a midwife.
What did you think I meant?