What? -Ido, Maya didn't
come to pick me up.
Then spend the night there.
-Come on, Ido.
Then you're coming
to the pooI to film me.
But Maya doesn't
Iet us go there.
Then waIk home aIone.
I'II come with you.
-I'm on my way.
It's OK, my brother's coming
to get me. -Are you sure?
Bye, sweetie.
Cut it out, you're not a baby,
you don't have to hoId my hand,
otherwise you'II never
Iearn to waIk home aIone.
But Maya aIways Iets me.
But Maya isn't here and today
you're Iearning to waIk home aIone.
Look Ieft and right,
Ieft again and then cross.
If you're not coming,
I'm Ieaving.
But Maya aIways Iets me.
Bye, I'm Ieavng.
-Then I'm not coming to the pooI
and I won't film you
Can you see me?
Press the red button.