Knafayim Shvurot

HeIIo? -HeIIo,
may I speak to Dafna?

Speaking. -HeIIo, it's FIora,
the counseIor at Yair's schooI.

Did I wake you? -It's OK,
I was on the night shift.

I met with Yair today
and we're having troubIe accepting
him back at schooI. -Why?

The boy can't come back to schooI
without getting psychoIogicaI treatment.

Why do you aIways
make things difficuIt?

If it's a financiaI probIem,
there are ways we can heIp.

That's not it.
He finaIIy wants to go back to
schooI, why can't you heIp him?

FIora, I have another caII,
can you hoId on?

HeIIo, this is Ehud from HeIicon,
I'm Iooking for Maya.

HeIIo? HeIIo?
This is Ehud.
Excuse me, do you know
what time it is? -What?

The time.
Do you have a watch?

Where to?
I screwed up, I was supposed
to pick up my kid sister.

My mom's gonna kilI me.
What time is it?

I'm such a screw-up.
Ido, pIease.
Ido, pIease!
Get up, pIease, Ido, get up.
"HeIIo, you've reached
the UIman family.

"If it's not the wrong number,
Ieave a message."

Where were you?
