You couId have spIit
your head open. -But I didn't.
What are you doing here anyway?
-What are you doing here?
OK, Iet's go.
-Where to?
I nside, I forgot my keys.
I'm not aIIowed in
without psychoIogicaI treatment.
She said that to you too?
Come on, I'II treat you.
I'II do your homework for you.
It's so weird here at night.
-It's much weirder in the morning.
Isn't it weird coming to this
Iousy pIace for 12 years
to get a piece of paper
with grades?
Is handing out flyers
any better?
FIyers, dipIomas,
it's aII paper.
Nothing you do
reaIIy has any meaning.
Why not?
-Think about it.
You're a speck of dust in a
expanding crazy universe.
Your Iife is such a tiny dot
in time that it doesn't even exist.
It's Iike a three-pointer.
The baII Ieaves your hand,
it's in the air,
and that's it, you're dead.
Iris, come on!