Ido, don't you want
to taIk to me?
You know...
I promise you...
I'II try to find a job
without shifts,
maybe we can move
to another city.
Iris, for fuck's sake,
I've got to work tomorrow!
Iris, what are you doing?
Do you think I can shoot myseIf
into the basket?
What are you waiting for?
Let's dive into your
never-ending universe,
we're specks of dust,
aren't we?
Let's shoot a three-pointer,
Iet's get it over with.
I didn't mean that you're
a speck of dust.
I am.
So you're a speck of dust.
I actuaIIy Iike specks of dust.
My best friends are
specks of dust, I swear.
Then why didn't you write to me?
You know,
mice don't write very weII.
Stop it, Yair,
say something reaI.