This is what happened.
Don't you get it?
Too bad you didn't die instead
of him. -What?
What? what was that?
Too bad you didn't die
instead of Dad.
Mom, I'm sorry,
I didn't mean it.
I want you to take your things
and get out.
Ever since Dad died...
-Maya, be quiet.
AII you want to do is sIeep.
How do you expect
anything to be aII right?
What happened to your hair,
What are you doing, sis?
-I don't know you anymore.
Maya, where are you going?
-Away from aII of you.
HoId on, Maya.
Go to the hospitaI, try taIking
to your brother Iike dad,
maybe it'II work on him.
HospitaI? What are you taIking about?
-Leave me aIone, OK?