Don't worry, Mom,
she'II caIm down and come back.
You think so?
-She's a big girI.
She's not a big girI,
she's a baby.
Why don't you go to sIeep?
-You think I can sIeep now?
Go home, you'II feeI better.
You aIso think that aII
I want to do is sIeep?
I'm worried about you.
I'II take over for you,
we'II do it in shifts.
Come on, Yair,
I want you to take Bahr home
and fix her something to eat.
It'II be OK.
I'II taIk to you Iater.
He seems so caIm.
UsuaIIy he's angry.
Angry with whom?
I don't know.
Me, everybody.
He doesn't reaIIy taIk to me.
I understand.
-What do you understand?
You don't understand anything.
Do you have kids?
-One daughter.
Where is she?
I n CaIifornia.
And your wife?
She's there too.
Why are you here
and they're there?
It's OK, what's the probIem?
They're both married.
You're staying
with him tonight, yes?
I'm on duty, so...
If you need me, I'm...
Excuse me, sorry.
-It's OK. -Good night.