Excuse me?
Is Ehud here?
-He's in a recording session.
When can I see him?
-Do you have an appointment?
Kind of.
He toId me to come today.
He's in a session,
come back in two hours.
CaII before, just in case.
HeIIo. Take bus no. 1 8...
Can't you ask him?
I came aII the way from Haifa.
Sorry, he's in a session.
Is there somewhere I can wait?
Then come by bus...
-If you see him, teII him
that I'm waiting for him
over there, OK? Thanks.
Sima, one with avocado.
-Excuse me, darIing.
Put it on "The Widows" tab.
One beer.
-One mint tea.
What are you doing here?
I don't know.
Did you do this yourseIf?
Looks nice.
You've got taIent.
Did anyone ever teII you
you've got taIent?
Yes, you.
What eIse can you do?
Then what are you doing here?
You wanted to hear me sing.
Come here.
WouId you have recorded
the song without me?