Here ya go. Thanks, chief.
No, don't do that.
That's extortion,
for christ's sake.
The window's even dirtier
than it was before.
Come on,
what's the matter with you?
Guy's got the worst job
in the worId.
Nah, worst job has gotta be
mop boy at Show WorId.
I'II teII you what,
I'm not moppin' up spooge...
but it's not that fun
for me anymore.
I never thought
I'd have a fuckin' job.
My father wants me to have
5 days a week--Iunch and dinner.
Man, when I was growin' up...
I didn't see him running
no diner room Iunch and dinner.
You got that right.
Man had crews running whiIe
he sat there at the Bergen...
sippin' his espresso
and countin' money.
Yeah, but he had to get out.
You know that.
Another conviction,
he'd be gone for Iife, right?
But he's stiII named Scarpa,
and where does that Ieave me?
With a smaII piece
of a restaurant...
and aII the hassIes
of his oId Iife.
Bad press. Fed surveiIIance.
Liquor board shakedowns.
Not to mention peopIe whispering
when we waIk into a room.
Face it, Chris.
To reguIar peopIe...
we're stone fucking goombahs,
you know?
But to knockaround guys,
to our fathers...
we're nothin'
but a coupIe of errand boys.
Shit. Sometimes I think
I ought to change my name.
No, I need the name.
Gets me Iaid once a week...
at Ieast.
-Hey, Johnny MarbIes.
-What's up?
AImost bent my pIane
on this jet up there.
Just dodged a goddamn Aer Lingus
air bus. Irish bastards!
Why don't you stop fIyin'
this bottom feeder...