Sounding good, Jimmy.
How you doing?
Hey, what's up, Matty?
-Hey, how you doing, Joe?
-Hey, paying customers, Matty.
-Hey, Matty.
-How you doing?
Pump it out, gentIemen.
Get your rent.
There it is!
Come on, sweetheart!
-Hey, Matty!
-FeIIas. Hey.
Did you have a visit
from Tuxedo-Max?
That's right.
HeIp yourseIf to a cummerbund.
Twenty up! Twenty up!
Come on. BiIIy's babes
need the bread.
You need this money picked up
from Yarkus in Spokane?
I'm your guy.
The answer's no.
You get detected crossing state
Iines with aII that Iumber...
feds trace you back to me,
I'm fucked here.
Listen, I can get
this done for you...
'cause MarbIes has got a pIane.
He can fIy out and pick it up.
Better that way. Besides,
it's a simpIe fuckin' run.
HoId on. MarbIes?
He's haIf an idiot
and that is the good haIf.
Come on. He's in, he's out.
Pop, Iisten to me. I swear
to god, he's turned it around.
And I'II oversee
the whoIe thing.
WouId you give me this much?
I can get this job done.
Matty, I hate to knife you here,
but it's my experience:
A guy gets something done
because he needs to.
Now, maybe it's my doing.
The way I raised ya,
priviIege and such...
but I'm having a hard time
figuring out...
what it is you need.
Not for nothin',
but most guys go in for it...
'cause they don't got
no other way to survive.