That road is totaI bacon, dude!
That was sick!
Fuck. AII right,
where the heII are you?
Wibaux, Montana.
No, W-i-b-a-u-x.
-Yeah, X.
What do you want me to do now?
Don't do anything, OK?
We're coming out.
What are you doing?
What are you,
a fucking baIIerina now?
No, it's t'ai chi. First off...
I'm refining my center,
and it stretches you out.
I'm aII crimped up from sIeeping
in the fucking pIane.
PIus, it's a deadIy art.
You're a fucking hard-on.
That hurt.
I absorbed the impact, though.
Shut up, aII right?
I go on the Iine for you.
I give you a shot. For what?
Jeez, Matty, I toId you,
there were cops.
It feIt Iike a set up.
What can I teII you?
Look, I know I fucked the dog
on this one--
No, you didn't just
fuck the dog. You fucked me.
Matty, I swear, aII right?
If I have to work...
the rest of my Iife,
I'II pay you back.
Where was the Iast pIace
you saw it?
Right here.
You toId me not to take
my eyes off it. I didn't.
I thought it went to BiIIings.
I was wrong.
But I scoped every passenger.
Crew, too.
I watched every piece
of baggage come off.
It's got to be here somewhere.
I'm coming with, right?