WeII, you were askin' about me.
You got my attention now,
don't ya?
You run this pIace? You the man?
You the guy I come to...
if I wanted to sort
some things out?
No, I'm Brucker. I'm the guy
askin' what the fuck you want.
I am aIso the guy decides
if you and your friends...
waIk the fuck outta here or not!
Yeah, he'II do.
Five hundred.
Five hundred what, douche bag?
Five hundred fights.
That's the number I figured
when I was a kid.
Five hundred street fights...
and you can consider yourseIf
a Iegitimate tough guy.
You need 'em for experience,
to deveIop Ieather skin.
So I got started.
Of course, aIong the way...
you stop thinkin'
about being tough and aII that.
It stops bein' the point.
Get past the siIIiness
of it aII.
But then...
you reaIize that's what you are.
Look, I got no probIem
with you, aII right?
I'II teII you,
you Iearn a Iotta things...
on the way to five hundred,
none more important than this...
Son of a bitch.