Looks Iike more than the usuaI
Thursday night Macarena...
-huh, HesIop?
Hey, CIute,
anybody been in here...
spending an unusuaI
amount of cash?
Yeah, these two IittIe
skateboard punks.
They wrecked
the beef jerky dispIay...
stuff aII over the fIoor.
Hey, Gordy.
That's a pretty fancy
new setup you got there.
Afraid I got some bad news
for you boys.
Kinda Iike that scarrage
on your face--
I ain't in the mood,
Tease, aII right?
Look at these fuckers.
Covered in camoufIage...
sitting out in the woods
aII day, stakin' out a turkey.
What do they need
to do that for?
Go to fuckin' Graztiti's,
get a ButterbaII.
You know, we were gonna go once.
November 14, 1986.
-Come on.
Just me and my pop,
goin' upstate for deer.
I remember, I was gonna get
woken up at 4:15 in the morning.