I found out what you toId me to.
Hey, dude. You think
if we give 'em back the money...
you think they'II Iet us go?
I've been thinking, dude.
You beIieve this?
A coupIe of kids.
Back home you find
a bag of dog shit...
you go Iooking for
who it beIongs to, right?
-Morning, Stan.
-Back to the saIt mines?
-Gotta make one stop first.
AII right, no, I see...
it's a vaIid point
about spIitting, dude.
CouId we not take
the Iuges with?
No, man, they're too buIky.
We gotta sacrifice 'em.
-But my stuff--
we'II get you new stuff.
Oh, yeah.
Go time.
-Oh, shit.
-Oh, shit.