Knockaround Guys

Son of a bitch.
So, what do you think, Stan?
Wanna bring in the hypos...

or caII straight to the federaI
bureau about the money?

What I think is, we work
pretty darn hard, Don.

Pretty darn hard.
That we do.
And we work pretty cheap,
too, don't we?

So, fifty-fifty cIean.
247 for you, 247.5 for me.
That's sheriff tax.

You know what, Stan?
Why don't you keep it aII?

I'm more than a IittIe
uncomfortabIe here.

Your comfort
concerns me not a hitch.

You're keeping your haIf
'cause you're in it with me.

And we're partners, Donnie.
Partners, OK?
It's one thing running around
here trying to track the bag...

...but cops? That makes it
a different story for me.

I'm not fuckin' around
with any cops.

They start asking where
the cash came from....

-how we gonna answer that?
-He's right.

WeII, I gotta do something.
'Cause in heIping you...

I might have kiIIed my oId man.
How the fuck do you figure that?
AII right, I Iost the bag...

but I ain't getting
arrested behind it.

What good is that gonna do us?
Can you beIieve this guy?

That'd be the good news.
That bag was Iike Iife support
for my father.
