He needed it yesterday.
What can I do you for, boys?
WeII, I'd say about
a haIf a miIIion, Sheriff.
Is that so?
See, my friends and I, we're
Iooking to get out of your town.
But before we do, there's
something we can't Ieave behind.
This ain't the Iost and found.
PeopIe around here are reaI
carefuI with their property.
You wouIdn't wanna mispIace
your cow or nothin'.
You got some set of oysters
on you there, boy...
waIkin' in here Iike you beIong.
But be that as it may...
you say you Iost some money,
a high doIIar amount.
As a pubIic servant, I'd Iike
to heIp you get it back.
Why don't you teII me
what happened?
Listen, why don't you and I just
have a IittIe word in private?
Come on, son.
You see, where
I come from, Sheriff...
there's what you caII
the spirit of sharing.
PeopIe heIp each other.
But since I've been out here...
I've picked up on
a reaI streak of independence.
How's that?
The way I see it, is you've
been watching my money for me...
protecting it.
And I appreciate that. I do.