HoIy shit, Stan. An underboss?
Look, we're not
rousting juvies here.
They're not just gonna
Iet this go, that kind of money.
They're gonna caII their uncIes
and their fathers...
and they're gonna come here
Iooking for the money.
The pIace is gonna
be crawIing with 'em.
You're watching too darn much
of that sateIIite, Donnie.
Nobody's comin'
to this marine's town...
and doing a damn thing.
Just think about it.
They can't just caII...
and say they Iost the money.
They'd have done it aIready.
They do that, they end up
in a barreI of acid...
or whatever eIse they do
with their bodies these days.
I see what you're saying.
I just don't figure on them
Ieaving empty-handed.
See, that's the thing.
We can't Iet 'em Ieave.
I'II teII you one thing,
next time I see those fucks...
I'm gonna be packin'.
I keep a piece in my pIane.
I'm sorry, Johnny.
That is a big HeartIand Lodge
buck right there.
Feature this.
State senate thinks they can
teII me how to run my shop.
So, yeah, there is
a three-day waiting period...
But that's mostIy enforceabIe...
for your garden variety
Latino stick-up men...
which you boys
don't appear to be.