
Yes, lots of midges.
When I was chained on the rock,
I thought they'd eat me away.

Have you got a sauna?
Can I have a wash?

Your skin s white - whiter
than any woman I've seen.

The midges bit you because
you wash too often.

Four years without a man,
and then two at once.

Have the spirits
read my thoughts?

He's got my skirt on! Why're
you dressed like a woman?!

Grinning, Fritz? Won't be
grinning for much longer!

A good knife.
Gerlost, I told you,
the war's over for me.

I don't want to kill, but I don't
want to be killed. Understand?

Go on, finish me off.
That's my husband's knife -
it's mine when he's not here.

Don't go killing each other!
I don't plan to bury you both.

What're you waiting for?
Think I'll kill you? The war's
over, my friend! Understand?

Peace. The war's over.
