
Lev Tolstoi, War and Peace.
Shoot, scum.
Lev Tolstoi, War and Peace.

I understand you're a fascist,
you burnt Yasnaya Polyana.

I'm not a fascist. I'm a Finn.
I was at university, then the
war - I didn't want to fight.

You Idiot! Fyodor Dostoevsky.
The Idiot...

I can't understand a word...
I'm tired of fighting!
Ernest Hemingway -
Farewell to Arms!

I don't know Russian.
I should have studied it.
Sorry, Gerlost.

Abominable and miserable...
It's beautiful here...
I was a condemned man. Chained
to a rock like Prometheus.

But I thought about it, and
saw how to get the chain off.

I could have made fire
without the glasses.

If I'd shot into dry grass, say.
But the glasses were safer...

You don't understand me,
but that's not important.

In this filth and muck it's
an honor to remain alive.

The main thing is we're alive.
You and me.

I hope people will look back in
horror at what they did at war.
