Gerlost's eating mushrooms
to commune with the spirits.
Maybe he's a shaman or a wizard?
Let him rest. He's still weak
after the concussion.
I'll do it myself.
I think you're better
at other things.
I wouldn't mind if you threw
me down on a deerskin, lad.
I've already forgotten
what it's like.
Don't kid around - I haven't
seen a woman in two months.
Now, even a hunchback looks
like a princess to me.
You've got tender hands,
you're not used to man's work.
You probably only know
how to kill.
That's not work, just big
children thinking that taking...
...a life lengthens their own.
Put the barrel back afterwards.
Ma'am, I need salt.
I'm not mad enough
to eat mushrooms!
I see! In the house!