Kung Pow: Enter the Fist

in the meadow you will fiind
Betty"s great protector, Moon Yew.

Avoid the meadow.
We will meet again, Chosen One,

many more times...
in the sequel.

[ Screams ]
Ow !

[ Baby Cooing ]
[ Doorbell Rings ]
Well, at least
I have you, boy.

[ Barks ]
"Oh, Taco Bell
Taco Bell "

" Product placement
with Taco Bell "

- " Enchirito, macho burrito "
- [ All ] " Macho burrito "

Master Tang,
what are you doing here?

- I"ve come to kick ass.
- Oh !

I know you seek
the Chosen One.

And I know... [ Groans ]
what you did to his family.

Now-- Ooh ! Oi !
I"m going to beat you up ! [ Coughing ]

Do you need a glass of water
or something?

- [ Clearing Throat ]
-Jeez, at least cover your mouth !

- We"re all going to catch it !
- F}ight... [ Coughs ] or die !

Okay, I"ll shake your bouncy booty !
Hit it !

"Can't touch this "
- Hmm !
- "Can"t touch this "

- Hmm.
- "Can't touch this "

[ Singing Along ]
" My, my, my, my "
