He should have listened
to that one-boobed chick.
Hmm !
[ Ling"s F} ather Groaning ]
Water... everywhere !
Uuh ! All over me !
I"m... getting... wet !
Uuh ! i'm falling !
You're falling !
We"re falling !
A whale !
Mm-mm. Hmm.
Mmm, memento !
Huuh, Chosen One,
I am sorry.
[ Chosen One ]
i'll get you some help.
[ Chosen One ]
i'll get you some help.
[ Groaning ]
Let me know if you see
a Radio Shack.
- [ All ] Once again.
- [ Master Tang ] With feeling.
[ All ]
One... of us...
is wearing... a pushup bra.
it's lacy--
[ Continues, indistinct ]
[ Ling"s F} ather ]
Master Tang, please help me.
- I"m bleeding.
- Hey ! I remember you !
- [ F} arts ]
- [ Dog Whines ]
Just like old times !
- Ah, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi ! Rikki-Tikki !
- Too tight ! Stop hugging me !
- I have a mortal wound !
- Where? Where does it hurt?
Oh, pretty much around
the big, bloody spot. Oh !
- [ Moaning ]
- Come inside. I"ll get the Neosporin.
" Na na na na na "
" Neo "
" Na na na na na na na "
" Sporin "
" [ Imitating Electric Guitar ]
Please, I"m dying.
You must listen to me.
I feel the Chosen One
may give up hope.