[ Chosen One ] The news of
your father weighs heavy on my heart.
Evidently, his wound
never closed up properly.
He gave his life for mine.
I"m so sorry, Ling.
He was my father
my entire life.
We were friends.
I loved him.
And now he"s dead--
except for his hair
and nails-- dead.
[ Quacks ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Sniffling ]
I don"t understand...
why people have to die.
Whee-ooh-whee-ooh-whee-ooh !
And now...
if-if I lose you--
Oh, man, I"m a little,
tiny, horny honey.
- Hmm !
- Mmm !
- Mm-mm-mm !
- Mmm !
Ooh-whee-ooh !
Oh, but I don"t know.
It"s so soon.
I can"t remember the last time
I felt like this.
So ready for action.
So ready for love !
I need you now
in the worst way.
I can"t control it !
Take me, man meat !
But I don"t want you
to think I"m a slut.
- [ Giggling ]
- Huh?