[ Both ]
" We are both ventriloquists "
" Ventriloquists
Ventriloquists "
" We are both ventriloquists
and we practice every day "
- He carries the basket.
- He carries the paper roll.
" And we don"t have cysts "
" But there is one thing that"s for sure
my friends, we are ventriloquists "
Yaah ! Hmm.
- Have you seen him before?
- Never !
Ventriloquists, huh?
Nyah, nyah, nyah !
You know the location of the Chosen One.
Where is he?
[ Gasps ]
On the life of my dummy, I swear this--
I"ll never tell you where he is !
[ Grunts ]
-i am the Chosen One, outside the wall !
-Yeah, the wall !
Your mouth tricks will not work
on me, ventriloquists.
[ Narrator ]
And so began Betty's killing spree.
No one was safe.
Ouchie !
Aiding the Chosen One...
became an offense
punishable by death.
Hmm. Orson.
[ All ]
[Weakly ]
" We are both ventriloquists "
" But now we"re upside down "
- I swing a bit more.
- I swing a bit less.
" But we both swing
if you know-- "
- Got ya.
- [Whimpering ] Whee-oh !
- What? Please !
- Hold still, ma"am. Here she is, Betty.
[Whimpers ]
The Chosen One disappeared last night.
- What have you done with him?
- F}unny.
I thought you
could tell me.
Hmm. In your dreams.
Whee-oh !
Hmm !
I like "em feisty.
[ Snickering ]