My favorite member
is Harpo.
I think there"s a Harpo.
If not, there should be.
I will write
their next hit, maybe.
" A-boom-boom chickie-chickie
boom-boom boom-chickie "
"Chaka-chaka-choo-choo "
By the way,you must be wary
of Betty's iron claws.
They are sharp,
and they hurt.
And beware his song
about big butts.
He beats you up
while he plays it !
- [ Shrieks, Groans ]
- Master, no !
- [ Ling ] Chosen.
- Huh?
Ling !
Chosen One,
I"m... dying.
No. Please.
I will always...
Whee ! Ee-ee !
[ Snorts ]
Ling ! Ohh !
- [ Whimpering ]
- Huh?
- [Whimpering ]
- Dog !
Oh, it"s okay, boy.
[ Panting, Chokes ]
- No, it"s not. Huh?
- [ Master Tang ] Chosen One.
Master !
Oh, Master.
You"re alive.
I only did this--
[ Groaning, Sighs ]
That doesn"t mean
a person is dead.
- [ Ling ] Chosen.
- Huh?
- Ling !
- Chosen One.
Why did you run off?
Why did you leave me?