[ High-pitched Yell ]
Yaah !
[Whistling ]
[ Grunting ]
[ Narrator ] Betty's protective
caps were the source of his power.
in order to defeat him,
they would have to be removed.
- Chosen One tried and tried,
- [Yelling ]
but they were too smooth
to pull and pointy.
So they would, like,
poke your hands...
- if you didn't get it 'just right.
- [ Screams ]
So he got frustrated,
as any one of us would.
[Whimpering ]
[ Grunting ]
Okay, maybe a little more
than any one of us would.
I"ll never be able
to do it, ever !
[ Sobbing ]
Don"t look at me !
Your hands-- let me see.
[ Gasps ]
It hurts?
How "bout now?