La Mentale

Simon and us talked
about this long ago.

So why didn't you fill me in?
Would've saved you a beating.
Screw your phony deals.
You're married to me, Henry.
You don't understand, Feche.
That's how it is.
You can't change a thing.

Think so?
Nothing's final on this earth.
What you gonna do?
Go to war over a gang-bang joint?
Wise up. You know the Code.
The Code! Don't talk crap.
You learn that word
in the exercise yard?

Let's say the Code applies.
Why are you poaching?
We're not poaching.
This is our turf.
Agree to that, and you won't hear
from us again. I swear it.

- What does OK mean?
- What you said.

I won't hear from you again.
But if I ever run into you once...
You won't.
So what do we do now?
Case closed.
- Morning.
- Sign there.

Shut up, I said!
Don't scream!
Shut up and don't move!
- Well?
- Nothing up there.

Here neither.
- Where's the safe?
- I don't have...

Talk softly, you fucker!
I swear I don't have a safe.
Stick out your tongue!
