La Mentale

Don't cross me, Feche!
What have you done, Yanis?
Are you fuckin' sick?
If Feche harms my brother,
I'll kill ya!
Go ahead. You'll do me a favor.
I'll told you to stay out of it.
You gotta decide everything!

God's up there! There's only one!
His name's not Yanis!
Give me Prosper!
If I let you have him,
your brother's dead, and so are we.
Like José. A slug in the head!
They dumped him at his old lady's!
Is that what you want?
Now Foued, shit!
What's going on?
What could we do?
Bend over?
We grabbed Prosper to negotiate...
And he killed Foued.
Prosper killed Foued, José's dead!
When's it gonna stop!
When Feche is in his grave.
Fix him up so he looks alive
till we've swapped.

Find me a dozen triggermen.
Mad dogs!

I underestimated those little jerks.
They were clued in,
if they managed to grab Prosper.
