See him? The Kraut in room 25.
Get in here.
He threatened me again.
Someday I'll sock him.
Aren't you gorgeous!
These things...
always happen to you.
Gorgeous, gorgeous...
You smell so sweet.
What a pretty little puppy nose,
nice and cold.
True, I'm freezing.
God, what a winter!
What a winter!
Think so?
See how I slipped in?
Nobody saw me.
But still,
I felt so sad.
So sad.
- I didn't get the part.
- What part? Why?
The Cayatte movie. The False Mistress.
Can I have some tea?
Steaming hot tea?
Better than tea...
Champagne's too cold.
But it's a cold that warms.
Then tea it is.
Darrieux will get it.
They said it's either her or me.
Nonsense! I shouldn't have bothered.
It was made for Darrieux.
Everything's made for her.
She's perfect from take one.
I'm never sure of myself.
Nothing comes easy.
I'm fed up. Fed up!