Stop the hammers!
The hammers!
Miss Gautier's shawl, please.
This wait had too many minutes.
Try to be not too dumb!
8 Men in a Chateau.
Scene 82, take 1!
Punish the Vichy Torturers
The grips had a good catch.
Here's our share.
Good. Jacques's coming for dinner.
He just called.
I was at the nursery. It's quiet.
There's a card from your brother Louis.
From Germany.
Awful handwriting!
Is it the cold?
What kind of fish?
- Tench.
- Any good?
Better than barbel
and not as good as carp.
I brought you some carbon paper.
Almost new.
And a new tract to type in 7 copies?
It's not "traiter," it's "traitor."
"Someday soon Berlin and Tokyo
may burn under Allied bombs."
You believe that?
Cleaned, scaled and chopped,
we could make soup.
If we have gas to cook.
You know Nerval's The Magic Hand?