Clouzot doesn't like
Le Chanois's dialogue.
He says it lacks "punch."
That's the word he used.
Here are both versions.
You decide.
I'll read them tonight, sir.
For the historical explanation
of the severed hand,
we have to simplify. Too long.
Or we ask for an extra day or two.
We said 28 days. 28!
If there is an extension,
it will be an extension of 600 miles.
We'll send you to Babelsberg
to study German production methods.
And if we sent you to Stalingrad,
to study crawling methods.
Here's your pass.
Mr. Greven just signed Palau.
Good. You won't be sorry.
And your contract? Bring it in signed.
He'll be great as the Devil. Palau...
He's got funny eyes, like a duck.
Palau... No?
Talk him into it. It's Dad's birthday.
Make an effort.
You realize the work load he has?
That's just it. He needs a break,
and it's Sunday. So come...
"People of Paris, the French must fight!
"Turn out in force and demonstrate!
"The gas is on only 4 hours a day!"
The union must be joking!
Go and fight...
With what? And why? For gas?
Jacques, please!
C'mon, this is a riot.
He has you type Communist tracts
but he was on the other side.
He fights a war, great!
But he works for the Germans.
Not for. Under the Germans.
So how's Clouzot's dialogue?
Your brother's getting...
You slave weekends, for them!
I work on films. For Tourneur,
Clouzot and myself.
To learn. And I'm always learning.