Oysters! I must be dreaming.
Never too old!
A promise is a promise.
Abyssinian. A good pound.
Thanks so much.
Nothing like pre-war coffee.
For you...
They're autographed.
Why do you always do period films?
For the gowns?
I don't write my roles. Fortunately.
People are scrambling for fabric.
True, fabric is hard to come by.
Designers don't have that problem.
They just have to pay.
Money buys everything.
A period film's a good medium
for putting ideas across.
Nowadays, any critical allusion to
the army, the church, the family...
The police.
The police... It's censored!
In suit and tie, you're a public threat.
But say it in a period costume...
Other times, other ways.
To us!
Mouton-Rothschild 1929.
It's not dishwater!
You make a lot?
Goodness, yes.
How much?
Excuse me?
Sorry. I'm nosey.
It's no secret.
In a play, I get 4,000 francs
per performance.
But in a movie, I make up for it.
I can earn 30,000.
That's more like it.
How about you?
It's pretty unpredictable with us.
There are ups and downs.
But it takes stamina.
Do you know Mr. Giraudoux?
Jean Giraudoux?
Sure, I know him. By name.
I mean in person.