Nothing to do with movies.
It's Von Schertel's office.
At the end of the hall.
I was home sick yesterday.
A doozer.
I had trouble with the lock...
Go on.
You take a key...
A key on a red wire.
If you wouldn't mind starting over
for me...
Start over, from where?
The beginning.
What do you mean?
If you don't mind.
Von Schertel...
In the pictures, he does what?
It's geographic.
He's just there.
At the end of the hall.
You're at home. You get a call.
From whom?
The director. Richard Pottier.
My director.
Not another one!
What time is it?
I have to get home and no one's
even bothered to read what...
Now start over.
No more interruptions.
It's like this...
I work in the movies...
The wrong key?
You expect me to believe that?
I couldn't believe it either.
But it worked.