Meng Kerou, do you want to have dinner?
Meng Kerou
20 boiled dumplings, please.
Our boiled dumplings are big.
I think 15 is enough for you.
Any soup?
We have many kinds.
Spicy soup
I think greengrocery-tofu soup is ok.
Boys don't like greengrocery.
Do you study in the affiliated school
My daughter studies there too.
Her name is Meng Kerou.
Do you hear about her?
Yes. Her name is unique.
She is quite well-known in our school.
Her name is not good.
She is not mild-mannered a girl should be.
Did you gave her, her name?
No. Her father.
Quite good.
What about today's exam?
Which pages will the exam cover?
That's a lot.
The teacher said that
this chapter is finished.
So many words.
Don't you remember them?
Many I don't.