Last Dance

and gourmet kitchen
and swimming pool.

Never know who you'll meet
down there.

- And I got you into the tennis club.
- What's this?

- Oh, you'll be needing that.
- I got a tux.

It's an Armani.
I thought the days of profligate
spending were over, John.

Oh, don't worry about it. You're in the
majors now, you gotta look the part.

Okay. Thanks.
Ah, don't look like somebody
slammed your nuts in the door.

- It's... It's gonna be good.
- I know.

- Wait and see.
- I know.

Listen, it doesn't mean
the party's over.

It's just a better class of guests.
Well, you know, her crimes, you don't
think of a woman committing
a crime like that.

I mean, I don't, anyway.
That... That brutal.

Most of the time a woman kills,
it's a crime of passion.

Usually her husband
or her boyfriend.

And last time she got a stay of execution
with about four days left.

- Well, when was that?
- About 18 months ago.

It's all a delaying game, really.
They come up with some new
constitutional theory...

and find a sympathetic judge to grant
a stay, then they start appealing
all over again.

Right, and they just
stretch it out indefinitely.
