- Rick, come on.
- Hey, John.
- Hey, Emerson. How are you?
- Hi.
- Lobbyist.
- For what?
- Oil companies.
- The Brothers Hayes.
- Governor.
- John.
- My brother Rick.
- How are you, sir?
- Rick. Of course.
- Yes.
- Mrs Governor.
- Tom.
- Nice to meet you.
In the governor's business
we call this a "meet and greet."
Well, it wouldn't be hard
to get used to.
Bart, stay right where you are.
Don't have too much fun now, fellas.
The guy's in perpetual motion.
He's incredible.
Hey, you know, I've been glancing at the
files. He's never granted clemency, huh?
- No, not true. No. We've granted
15 pardons since I've been here...
- Yeah?
- And scores of sentence reductions.
- Never in a capital case.
No, not in a state where 76 percent of
the voters favour the death penalty.
Well, then why the hell did you
put me in a goddam useless job?
Oh, I figured if you messed up,
you couldn't do much damage.
Well, you're just a condescending
son of a bitch. Why is that?
- Oh, relax. Listen.
- No, no, I'm...
- If things work out...
- Hi there, you guys.
- There's an opening in the press office,
the first of the year.
- Ladies, ladies!
- Rick, this is my friend Jill Venable.
- And Jill, you know John, of course.
- Everyone knows John, of course.
- Hi, Jill.
- Hey, yeah, I know you.
- You used to live down the street from us
on Oakmont, right?
- That's right.
- She's almost the girl next door.
- That's sounds terrible.
- I don't remember you being so cute.
- Oh, well, thanks.
- I've been working on it.
- Well, it sure makes my job a lot easier.
- Your job, huh?
- Yeah, I'm supposed to take you around...
and introduce you to people
of power and influence.
Oh, I see. Big brother's
looking out for me again?
Oh, we can start with a few corrupt
committee chairmen,
work our way down.
Ah, none of that. Let's get a couple
of drinks and have a chat.
- Do you think your parking space
could've been further away?
- That's what I said. The...
- Is this it?
- Yeah, it's right here.
- Ohh. John must have found
this place for you.
- How could you possibly guess?
'Cause he's been here seven years
and still rents his furniture.
- We used to go out.
- Oh?
We're just friends now.
My decision.