- I got five more minutes.
- Visitor.
- Today?
- Someone from Clemency.
- Tell him I don't wanna see him.
- Hey, I'm not your social secretary.
Come on.
You know you are.
This is your last clemency report.
Open it up, take a look.
No, huh? I'll do it for you.
You just look at the cover page, okay?
That's all. Just the cover page.
You see what it says under
"recommendation"? "Deny clemency."
- I can read.
- Yeah? Well, that might as
well read "Let's kill her."
Now, you know why it says that?
Because you ain't give 'em anything.
- They had nothing to work with.
- How long you had this job?
Four days.
So basically,
you don't know jack shit.
That's right. I don't know why you're not
a good candidate for clemency.
Now, maybe if I had more experience
I'd just give up and write you off as well.
You probably think you know
everything about me.
I know what's in that file.
Look, even if I get clemency...
it means life in here with no parole,
and that's no life.
I'm not beggin' for mercy
I'm not gonna get.
You think I wanna die?
I do not wanna die. Okay?
- Well...
- But if I do, it's gonna be on my terms.
You got that? My terms.
That's all I got.