Doug? Hi. I'm, I'm Rick Hayes.
I'm with the Clemency Board.
The reason I'm here is, uh, it looks like
Cindy could be executed in three weeks.
- Uh-huh.
- Well, l-I'm just...
l-I'm wondering, uh,
now that it's ancient history...
if there was anything you might
like to add before it's too late.
- Like what?
- Well...
Well, l-I know you plea-bargained
down to second-degree murder...
- in exchange for testifying
against her at the trial...
- Yeah.
And at the trial you said
the whole thing was her idea.
- Actually, that's kind of unusual, isn't it?
- Why?
I don't know. I mean,
17-year-old guys...
don't usually let girls lead 'em
around, now, do they?
Maybe she was the one
that was unusual.
Th-The two of you had pulled off
quite a few burglaries that summer.
- So she masterminded all of'em.
- I was 17 fuckin' years old, boy.
Oh, uh, I see what you mean. She was...
She was older. She was, what, 19?
Yeah, 19, goin' on about 30.
And drugs. What kind of drugs
were you on?
Some weed, some beer.
- That's all?
- Yeah.
What about crack?
- Nah, no crack.
- You sure? Because the,
the police report...
- Am I sure?
- Yeah.
You think I'm ever gonna
forget that night?
Well, you would if it would save you from
being executed, now, wouldn't you?
- You're fuckin' with me.
- No, you help me, and maybe
I can help you.
- Did she send you?
- No.
She suckin' your cock?
Oh, shit, she can get a guy
to do anything she wants.
She's a cocksuckin' witch!
I'll kick your ass!