Who do you think you are, man?
Get your butt over here.
Attention on the yard.
Attention on the yard.
The following inmate, Labarber, Michelle,
report to the visiting room.
Well, I'll be damned.
- Hey, Reg?
- What?
Reg, come here.
I wanna show you something.
- You remember that guy?
- What guy?
- That guy from Clemency.
- Yeah. What?
- He sent me a picture of the Taj Mahal.
- The what?
The, the, the, the Taj Mahal.
It's this place in India.
This king built it
for his queen.
Oh, yeah, that's nice.
I like that.
Here, come on.
Hey, hey, let me see.
Cindy. Cindy,
turn it down this way.
- Got that?
- Oh, that's nice. Nice!
- That looks real good.
- Yeah, I've seen that one before.
- Oh, yeah. I bet you been
there a hundred times too.
- Well, I think it's pretty.
What's it say?
It says, "I wish you were there.
Sincerely, Slick Rick."
- What the hell's that mean?
- Oh, nothin'. Just a kind of a joke.
Good luck with your appeal,
Mr Reese. Goodbye.
Mr Reese, how are you? Hi.
- Where's Sam?
- Well, he had to work
on another case today.
- Who are you?
- I'm Rick Hayes.
- I'm gonna be working on your report.
- I can't believe Sam didn't come.
Well, uh, I'd just like to verify a few things,
if that's okay.
- Have a seat.
- Thanks.
- Tell me, have you read the report?
- Of course I read it.
- There's another letter comin'
you have to put in.
- Oh? From whom?
Dr Arnold Marks.
- What's the nature of the letter?
- You don't know who he is?