Mr Reese, the governor
determines who gets clemency.
Yeah, but what is
the smart money saying, huh?
I mean, who's gonna live, me or
the white girl? Who's he gonna forgive?
A man of colour
who earned a law degree...
who wrote a best-seller and won the
admiration of some of our best people...
or a white trash girl who
bludgeoned two people to pulp...
without blinking an eye?
They will be diminished...
by my death...
'cause I represent everything
they love and admire.
How they gonna go
and kill a man...
who has been on The New York
Times best-seller list?
- Hey there.
- Hey.
So, what's all that stuff?
No, these are your trial transcripts. Um,
look, I'm not supposed to be here, okay?
- They took me off the case.
- How come?
Mmm, doesn't matter.
But there's stuff in here,
especially in your sentencing hearing.
- Forget it.
- Grounds for appeal that
haven't been raised. No...
- Just leave it alone.
- Think your lawyer really blew it.
- You might not have gotten
the death penalty.
- Well, it doesn't matter now, does it?
Yeah, it does to me.
What do I have to say to you?
Look, if you wanna be my buddy,
just come see me on Saturday, okay?
I got two left.
What... You tell me what it is I have to say
to you to get you to want to save your
own life.
- What is this with you, some
kind of ego thing or what?
- What?
You don't like to lose.
Is that it?
What are you
tryin' to prove here?
I'm just trying to do my job.
I mean, I guess this is
the first real job I've had.
I knew you was a rich boy.
Huh. Yeah? It shows, does it?
See, growing up I thought everyone lived
like me. I had a good time.
I mean, I graduated law school
- I'm sorry. I don't want to bore you
with this, but I'd like to...
- I know.
I been listenin' to the same four
life stories for way too long now.