Sam! Hold on there.
- Goddam it, what are you trying to do?
- Just hold on one second.
Let me see that stick
you got in your hand.
- It's a sand wedge.
- Ah, well, you don't want
to use a sand wedge.
I'm up to my eyeballs in sand, and
you're telling me I don't want to use
a sand wedge?
- That's right. You wanna use
a pitching wedge.
- Just back off.
- Give me the sand wedge.
- Listen to me. Pitching wedge, okay?
Break your wrists off right away,
cut straight down into it.
Trust me.
All right, but if you're wrong you're
working the Department of Highways
Right down now.
- Okay!
- You're welcome.
Goddang. I forgot
who I was dealing with.
Probably grew up on the
ninth hole at White Sands.
Well, golf's about as close as we came
to any kind of organized religion.
Let's put it that way.
- The Reese reports ready to go?
- Well, yeah, except for
your recommendation.
- You want this in or out?
- You can take it out.
Why don't you finish up
on Liggett.
Go to St. Charles County and
do those last few interviews.
No problem.
You gotta watch yourself, Rick.
You get sucked in,
it does nobody any good.
- You hear me?
- Yeah.
So you do all this work
on these capital cases...
for a governor who, who never
grants clemency, huh?
Always a first time.
- Well, how do you stay with it?
- I'm highly motivated.
If I don't pay my child support,
I'll end up in state prison.
You never get involved