- Wouldn't have hurt.
- And I know the people of this state...
overwhelmingly agree with me.
- There are, however...
- Look...
- those rare occasions when
exceptions cry out.
- It's an issue of credibility.
- And the rule of law...
- Whose credibility?
- Mine.
Must acknowledge
extraordinary circumstances.
- I'll take a few questions now.
- Governor.
- Governor.
Governor, could you tell us
the compelling reasons
that prompted your decision...
to commute
Mr Reese's sentence?
- Mr Reese has gone as far as any prisoner I've ever seen...
- I stick my neck out, there better be a damn good reason.
- Transforming himself into a thinking, contributing...
- I don't see it with Liggett. Maybe you do. I'm sorry.
- This is about reelection, isn't it?
- Responsible and very unique voice.
It's about getting
the black vote, isn't it?
It's about clemency.
Governor, what about
the Liggett case?
Clemency was denied. Miss Liggett's
death warrant is set to be carried out...
at 12.01 a.m. On Saturday,
one week from today.
If it's carried out, Cindy Liggett will be
the first woman in 11 years...
to be executed in this state.
- Any comment?
- Miss Liggett committed a brutal
and senseless double murder.
Her sex made no difference to her victims.
It makes no difference to us
under our legal system.
- It's okay.
- I'm sorry.
I know.
Look, I've got an idea
for an appeal.
No, no. You've gotta keep
letting me fight this.
I am afraid to say no...
and I am afraid to say yes.
There is somethin'
you can do for me.