Last Orders

Hello, June.
Well, it doesn't look like
a serious sort of shoe to me.

I'm sure there are lots of things
one can use one's shoe for.

I can think of one.
Can you, Charlie?
Amy's seeing June.
It's her day for seeing June.

She could leave one day off.
I mean, it's not like it's a normal day,
is it, really?

Raysy here is a mine
of information, isn't he?

It's like the horses.
Have to prise it out of him these days.

Is that getting heavy, Vic?
You want me to take it for a bit?

-No, it's fine, Ray.
-But even then he gives you duff tips.

Here, last tip I gave came good.
Well, it weren't for any of us.
Who, Raysy?
That'd be telling, wouldn't it?
And the whole world thought
that Jack Dodds...

...had finally seen the light...
...and decided to start a new life.
What the world didn't know...
What the world didn't know...
...was that I'd taken out a loan
to save the shop, five years ago.

And it comes up. In a month.
That wouldn't be a problem.
I sell the house, I sell the shop...

...I buy a small tin-pot bungalow in
Margate and scrape by on the remainder.

Except that's all off now, isn't it?
All bets are off, aren't they?
How much?
Well, it was seven large when I took it on...
-...but now they want £20,000.
-You're joking?

No, we're not talking bank managers,
you know, here.

It's a special loan. Private loan.
Not Vince?
No, no.
Vince wouldn't lend me money
if I was dying.

Well, if you can't see
what is right under your nose....

There's a new supermarket
just down the road...
