soon you will be
in my position.
Only you can continue
the bloodline of DeMoressa,
because you"re meant to.
As soon as you"re rid
of the sin on your soul.
The Lord is guiding you,
follow Him.
He"s given you a chance
you won"t have again.
I think it"s just a stupid joke
from, what"s his name? -Lucky.
Yes, Lucky. Did he take you
to the spiritual session?
It all becomes such a type.
Why did he say he didn"t
know her? -Maybe he doesn"t.
Who knows how many such
customers come to him daily?
Relax. Think of yourself.
What are you doing here?
What do you mean? I have been
looking for you for days.
I came back yesterday.
Why are you lying? I saw you
on the street the other day.
Are you angry with me?
I wanted to ask you why
are you sending this to me.
I have no idea what
you are talking about.
l"m in a hurry.
My daughter is in the hospital.
What is it? -Her old
sickness got worse.
- I must get a cab.
- L" II drive you.
Regretfully she is worse.
We" II have to give her blood.