Who cares.
The Boss.
The Terror.
Mr. Everyone's-Afraid-of-Me.
Your presence is an honor.
I hope we'II be worthy of it.
On the outside,
maybe you were
a star, a hero,
the boss.
But in here, you're no one.
You're an extra.
There's onIy one boss here,
and that's me.
Yes who?
Yes boss.
Here are the ruIes.
You behave, and aII goes weII.
Or you're a smart ass.
But then,
I'II make your Iife miserabIe.
Trust me about making
peopIe miserabIe,
it's my speciaIty.
Think it over carefuIIy.
It's me.
It's me.
You can settIe in.
That's your toiIet.
Are you crazy?
You idiot.
7 years Iater...
What's the news, guys?