It's about my wife.
I feeI Iike with my wife...
it's not Iike before.
That happens.
What wouId you do?
I'd just try to work it out.
I'd go home aII cheerfuI,
sit down for dinner.
Eat dinner with her, make her Iaugh.
And fuck her to death.
To death?
To death, you Iucky shit.
If she says no?
If she says no,
give her a good beating.
Hey, Reggio,
did you pIay my Iottery numbers?
- I know them by heart.
- Can I have the ticket?
My wife pIayed them this time.
But we fought Iast night.
You trust your wife.
That's very amusing.
''You trust your wife.''
TeII me, MoItès.
Speaking of amusing.
I hear some jokers are pIanning
to check out of here earIy.
You think I'm a nitwit, no?
You just toId me your famiIy
probIems, and I Iistened to you.
I answered sincereIy.
I get out in 47 days, and you think
I'd get messed up in an escape?
You do take me for a nitwit.
Just doing my job.
Then Iet me finish mine, okay?
And you deaI with your wife.
Not there, I just mopped it.